Nurturing the next generation of families and children through love, connection, and communication.

Nurture the Bond

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Parenting can be turbulent. One moment you’re cuddling a gentle, rosy-cheeked babe in the morning light, amazed at the profound beauty of life. Only ten minutes later, that same cherub is screaming and can’t tell you why, and you’re trying not to wonder if you’re doing all this wrong.

Guiding kids through finding their voice in childhood means navigating a labyrinth of conflicting information -the sheet of communication milestones your doctor handed to you, the friend at play group whose toddler is already reciting Shakespeare, your own mother’s voice in your head (and every emotion it brings with it)…

Let’s cut through the stress of milestones and word counts. No matter where you are in the storm of small-child development, true communication always begins with a deep, relational bond.

Nurture the Bond brings you empathetic professional guidance and evidence-based strategies for speech and language development. Our deep passion is giving parents like you practical tools to create lifelong bonds through loving, supportive family communication. We love seeing kids and parents thrive.

What we want for you

Empowerment and confidence

Nurture a lifelong bond with your child through effective communication.

Step into your parenting potential through proven tools and evidence-based language strategies.

Gain confidence to understand and support your child through all their early speech and language developmental stages.

better relationships with your kids

Increased empathy, communication and connection for everyone in the family.

Less stress and exhaustion for the parents, less frustration for the kids.

Stronger bonds in childhood that will last a lifetime.

Supportive Community

Nurture the Bond is an encouraging, empathetic space based on shared experiences. We're parents too- we get you.

Parenting can feel lonely, but you aren’t in this alone.

Getting kids to communicate is our "thing."

We offer a guiding hand to parents desperate to figure out the needs behind their newborn's tears or yearning to hear their child's voice ask for that apple they've been pointing to and grunting at for months.

We're Leah and Natalie. As certified speech-language pathologists and parents ourselves, we understand the stress that comes with communicating with your kids. There's an ocean of advice out there and no roadmap for where to begin.

With nearly 30 years of combined experience in speech-language therapy and the joy of assisting thousands of families build deeper connections, we created Nurture the Bond to empower you to communicate effectively with your child, building a profound, lasting bond that endures far beyond their first words.

Our methods are proven effective not just in sparking your little one's speech, but more importantly, in strengthening the invaluable parent-child bond, promoting a lifetime of open communication.

We hold a core belief: You, as parents and caregivers, know your children best. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to become your child's communication expert, helping you nurture the relationship with your kid you've always dreamed of.