We Get It:

Parenthood is a Whirlwind

We started Nurture the Bond for parents like you.

And for parents like Jessica, whose son would turn the house into the a crime scene because mom didn’t understand what kind of drink he was pointing at in the fridge.

We’ve been there.

Or for Marc, the dad who held his crying baby at 2am on the front porch so the whole house wouldn’t wake up, having no idea how to decipher the baby’s cries.

Yep, we’ve felt that too.

our mission

(in a nutshell)

Nurture the Bond: Speech will follow

We strive to empower parents with practical tools and evidence-based strategies to strengthen their connections with their children and create deep, lifelong family bonds.

By providing parents and caregivers with the knowledge they need to build positive, lasting relationships with their children through meaningful communication, we aim to create a world where every child feels loved, supported, and connected. 

Why Nurture the Bond?

In a world overflowing with parenting advice, we zoom in on the essence: Connection before Perfection.

Yes, milestones matter, but that amazing moment when you understand your child is asking for water, or your kid actually telling you about their day – that’s the gold we’re mining.

Every sigh of relief from a parent who learned to treasure their kiddo's unique pace, is a testament to our approach. Every proud video we get of a child signing “more” for the first time to ask for those blueberries they love, speaks to how effective our techniques can be for you.



Hi! I'm Leah, your go-to speech-language pathologist, with a special place in my heart especially for Early Intervention, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Childhood Apraxia of Speech.

I'm passionate about guiding families (like yours!) in speech and language growth by strengthening the tiny and sometimes invisible communication patterns of your daily life. I’ve run my private practice since 2012, working with all kinds of kids and families through home visits and school drop-ins throughout Seattle.

As a proud mom of two (and let’s not forget Griffey, my fur-baby who often acts like a third child), I'm right alongside you in this beautiful rollercoaster of parenting. When I'm not diving into the latest children's books with matcha in hand, I’m soaking up Seattle's parks or farmers markets with my fam.

Or, let's be real here, I'm probably schlepping my kids to one of their activities, doing dishes, or working through the never-ending laundry. Trust me, I get the fun chaos of balancing family, work, and friendships.

You’ve already got the tools, I’ve got the strategies to help you use them. Let's navigate this journey together.


MEET natalie

Hello there! I'm Natalie, your dedicated speech-language pathologist with a clinical focus on Early Language Development, parent coaching, and a wide-range of speech challenges including Childhood Apraxia and Autism.

In private practice since 2015, I’ve worked with a range of kids, from my clinical experience in public schools to individual early interventions. These families have all confirmed for me that communication is so much more than just technically speaking words. It's the moments of laughter, the shared memories, and the deep relationships we build. That communication forms the whole foundation for language to be effective.

On any given day, you might find me curled up with a book (though I’ll pause to give you my personal TedTalk on how perfect the public library system is), jogging through Seattle's occasional drizzles, or chasing after my little ones in the park. If you see me staring intently at my phone, I'm probably on the hunt for some elusive Pokémon for my ever-enthusiastic daughter. Parenting is a wild adventure, and I'm right here in the thick of it with you.

Together, let's make communication the heart of every cherished moment.




Every flipped bowl of cereal is an opportunity. Every gesture your child makes? A building block. We're here to reassure, guide, and stand beside you in this beautiful journey. Because when the days get tough (barf in hair and all), remember - we’re all in this together.

Let’s make the mundane moments memorable, the difficult ones bearable, and find joy in every word. Here at Nurture the Bond, we believe in the transformative power of connections. And we’re thrilled to be a part of yours.

Join our family of parents and caregivers dedicated to building lasting bonds and helping their little ones find their voice. Get evidence-based strategies, real-life stories, and actionable advice delivered straight to your inbox. Because every moment can be a moment of connection.