Our Favorite Hanukkah Books

Apparently we’re just glossing over Thanksgiving already since the days keep rolling and we’re almost in DECEMBER.

Hanukkah is a little over a week away! Let’s get ready to add a little more light into the world , with the addition of these books.

Do you know the best (or at least our favorite) way to prepare for a holiday? No, it’s not decorations or buying all the things at Target (even though my husband would QUICKLY disagree). It’s reading!

So cuddle up and plan to spend some intentional time reading together with your littles to get ready for the upcoming holiday.


  1. Hanukkah Bear

  2. The Ninth Night of Hanukkah

  3. Hoppy Hanukkah

  4. Eight Nights of Lights

  5. Grover’s Eight Nights of Light

  6. Hanukkah with Friends

  7. Hanukkah Lights

  8. What’s your favorite addition to add for the eighth night?!


In a Land of More, More, More…


What to do with Toddler Talk: A Guide